
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Fresh Market

I would like to start by saying how much I would have rather been blogging last night instead of sitting in class...

That is where I spend two nights a week. My cohort has officially reached the halfway point of our MBA program; one more year to go!

Veg Update:

As you may or may not be aware, I am in the process of a 30 day trial as a vegetarian. If you missed that post, you can catch up here. My personal thoughts so far...

PROS: This experience has already exceeded my expectations. It has turned into something that is much more than a "meat-free" diet. I am enjoying trying new foods and really tasting them. I have started to savor the flavors of vegetables like never before. Meat is often the focal point of our meals and the other foods are just "sides". When I eliminated meat from the picture, the veggies, grains and beans stepped into the spotlight. I have gained a new perspective on food, to say the least. Also, I don't miss meat AT ALL.

CONS: Sometimes finding a decent veg-friendly option when eating out is a challenge. You don't quite realize meat is everywhere until you are trying to avoid it. Many restaurants around here do have amazing meat-free dishes, but eating out can be a complication. I have also had some social conflict. I am not comfortable inconveniencing my friends or family because of my choices. I don't want people to feel like they have to only eat places with vegetarian options or cook a meat-free dish when I come over for dinner. Everyone has been super accomodating so far...but is that because they think this will be over in a month??

Next up...

I walked into a new (to me) store this past weekend.

It was beautiful.

I just love shopping for food. :)

I bought these....

Green bean 'chips'.

They are yummy! Crispy, salty and a little sweet.

Have you tried any new foods lately?


  1. Haven't tried any new foods lately but I sure wish my hometown had a Fresh Market, Whole Foods or even a regional HEB (Herbert E Butts founder of the TX grocery chain) Central Market. I LOVE shopping in these more-than-your-average grocery store. They always have the prettiest veggies and fruits, wide variety of meats, fish and seafood AND the un-ordinary products you don't find anywhere else. I'd be happy with my daughters Jenny Lane store right around the corner from home.

  2. There are so many more pros to cons in abstaining from meat and other animal products...our own individual health, the well-being of factory-farmed animals, and the environment. I have been vegetarian and have recently gone completely vegan after educating myself more on the topic. I know you are starting this for health reasons, but I think if you learn all the wonderful things you are doing for yourself and others by going veg, you will find it 100 times easier to stick to. I have read several books on the topic, but my favorite so far is 'Eating Animals' by Jonathan Safran Foer. He's not some crazed PETA activist. He's just a guy who went looking for answers and found them. And I love Fresh Market! :)

  3. I love Dorothy Lane (though apparently Mom thinks it's Jenny Penny Lane? lol). They do have the freshest fruits and veggies, as well as many organic items not found in traditional grocery stores. I will definitely have to visit this grocery store when I come in a couple weeks!

  4. I love Dorothy Lane (though apparently Mom thinks it's Jenny Penny Lane? lol). They do have the freshest fruits and veggies, as well as many organic items not found in traditional grocery stores. I will definitely have to visit this grocery store when I come in a couple weeks!

  5. Carolyn,

    Do you live in NY? They JUST opened a Fresh Market in upstate NY, and I live right by it.

    I think I'd rather be blogging than doing ANYTHING else ever. :-)

    I went veg. for a month in Feb. and didn't look back. I have a page about it on my blog. My bf and I called it Vegetarian February. (I actually started in Jan.) Now I'm still a vegetarian and it's not hard at all. I even write about it for a local paper! Go you for trying!!

  6. I don't live in NY, I actually live in Louisville, Ky...much less exciting :)
