
Friday, August 27, 2010


This is normal, right??

Everyone keeps 6 jars of nut butter in their house at all times, RIGHT?

I have a love/hate relationship with nut buttah. It's healthy, filled with monounsaturated fats (the good ones), protein and vitamins. It's tasty (probably one of my favorite foods ever, in case you can't tell).

It's also a highly concentrated source of calories. For those of us trying to lose weight, portion control is pretty important. A 2 tbsp serving contains approximately 180 calories and 16 grams of fat. That adds up fast.

I may or may not have been eating peanut butter out of the jar by the spoonful this week...

I may need to cut myself off until I can demonstrate some self control.

In all honesty, it's been a rough week. I've been tired and seriously lacking motivation. I'm not logging my calories, and (big surprise!), I'm not losing any weight. I finally decided that I need to share the good and the bad on my blog, because its all part of the process. I want to act like this is easy peasy and I'm loving every minute of my weight loss journey, but that would be a big, fat lie (pun intended).

This is not my first attempt to lose weight, nor my second or even fifth. Let me tell you, it does not get any easier. If anything, it gets harder. Failing at something time and time again makes it much harder to convince yourself that you can actually be successful.  Then I remind myself that I have to keep trying. What other choice do I have? So I trudge on....

Anyhow, it is appropriate to put a spoonful (read: 1 tbsp) of White Chocolate Wonderful peanut butter on your oats:

In the mix:
1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup UVAB (or milk of choice)
1/2 cup water
1/2 banana, mashed
1 tbsp chia seeds

These oats were cooked on the stovetop. I am feeling ready for fall and hot oats are sounding good again (if only the weather would cooperate and cool down). I am loving the mashed banana in the oats. Try it.

I forgot my lunch one day this week, but fortunately I had the foresight to keep a frozen meal or two in the freezer at work (this is not my first time, my friend).

I pulled out a  Kashi Tuscan Veggie Bake.

It was dee-lish! Much tastier than I expected. The description states, "Yellow squash, roasted eggplant, red onion, and sweet potato. Zesty basil tomato sauce with sun dried tomatoes served inside Kashi seven whole grain noodles."  Its definitely going to be a keeper.

I paired it with a Chobani Greek yogurt.

Crisis averted. The moral of the story is, always be prepared...then have a back-up.

What are your tips and tricks for weight loss success?


  1. I am a nut butter fanatic myself but I could never be trusted with that much nut butter under my roof, lol!

    I love, love, love, Justin's Nut Butter and am so grateful for their single serving packets. This girl was not born with a portion control gene in her body! ;-)

  2. I walk around with a cooler of food and we can live off the contents of my purse for days if stranded on a desert island. Be prepared, plan for the unexpected and when in doubt make the choice that honours where you want to go.

    And that amount of nut butter is entirely normal, don't let anyone tell you different.

  3. Haha, yes that's completely normal and exactly what my cupboard looks like too! I am a huge nut butter fan.

  4. ha my cabinet did totally used to look like that!! but knowing that nut butters are just my favorite thing on earth I finally realized it was just asking me to over eat to keep so many varieties in the house.

    I definitely keep a general count of calories, but mostly I try to focus on eating 7-9 servings of fruits and veggies which overall keeps me eating healthy all day

  5. I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in my nut butter fetish or my habit of carrying food around in my purse! Getting in those fruits and veggies is a very good tip for keeping calories controlled and satisfation up!

    Justin's is my favorite, too. I was so excited when my Whole Foods got the full jars, but I think I need to stick with the singles. I also missed out on that portion control gene.
