
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Enter the Green Monster

Happy Sunday! I stayed up a little too late reading my new book last night and ended up oversleeping. This morning I went to the baptism of  Karla and Aaron's first baby boy, James. Karla and Aaron have been friends of mine since the college years. James was precious and didn't make a peep during the service!

I, however, missed breakfast so when I got home I was hungry! It was already noon, so I had a hearty brunch. Scrambled eggs and toast again...but this time the toast was sprouted whole grain cinnamon raisin bread that I picked up at Whole Foods a few days ago (topped with some Brummel Brown). 

Then I had a yogurt parfait, which is pretty much a staple of my diet.

(Sorry about the blurry picture. My camera is a tad temperamental.)

In the mix:
1/2 cup Fage 0% Greek Yogurt
1/2 cup frozen mixed berries, thawed
1/2 cup Kashi GoLean Crisp
1 tbsp (approx) raw honey

I also mixed in some chunks of fresh cantaloupe, which I ultimately picked out. I just don't like cantaloupe. I think I'll have to use it in a smoothie!

Speaking of smoothies....

Yes, it is GREEN!

My first ever Green Monster smoothie! I've wanted to try a green smoothie for quite a while but I'm not gonna lie, I was a little scared. Then I found out about The Green Monster Movement and I REALLY wanted to try one. Since I had "brunch" today instead of breakfast and lunch, I had some calories for an afternoon snack. I whipped up this bad boy:

My First Green Monster

2 cups raw spinach
1 cup unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze (or milk of choice)
1 banana, frozen and sliced
1/2 scoop Amazing Meal Chocolate Infusion (or protein powder of choice)

Blend until smooth and enjoy!

It was ah-mazing! You can see the spinach, but you can't taste it. It was the perfect delicious (healthy) treat and I will definitely be trying more of these!

Question: What are some of your favorite snacks?

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