
Friday, October 1, 2010

Spicy Spaghetti Squash with Black Beans

I don't have a lot of experience cooking with spaghetti squash. I attempted it once during my restrictive dieting years as a low calorie substitute for pasta. Lets just say it didn't fool me.

Have you ever taken a bite or drink of something thinking it was something else?  No? Okay, maybe that is just me...but somehow perfectly delicious food, when you are expecting something else, tastes completely wrong.

Over the years I have stopped attempting to pretend foods are something other than what they are. I enjoy tofu and veggie burgers, not because they fool me into thinking I am eating meat, but because I like their unique flavors and textures. The same can be said for soy or almond milk. Does it taste like cow's milk? No. Does it taste good? Absolutely!

Spaghetti squash contains many nutrients, including folic acid, potassium, vitamin A and beta carotene. It is low in calories averaging 42 calories per 1-cup serving. Plus, it is currently in season. I decided to give the spaghetti squash another chance, but I didn't want to make spaghetti. I searched for ideas to fit with the ingredients I had on hand and came up with this recipe.

Spicy Spaghetti Squash with Black Beans
 (adapted from Whole Foods Market)
  • 1 medium spaghetti squash  
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1/2 cup red onion, chopped (I used yellow onion because that is what I had on hand)
  • 1 jalapeño chili, seeded, minced
  • 1/2 cup red pepper, chopped
  • 1 cup black beans, rinsed and drained well
  • 1/2 cup sweet corn, frozen or fresh
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin (I added this to the original recipe because, well, I like cumin)
  • 1/3 cup cilantro, minced
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice (I used the juice from 1/2 a lime)
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
Start by roasting the spaghetti squash. First, cut it in half.

I suggest using a large, sharp knife.

Then scoop out the seeds.

I rubbed mine with a little bit of olive oil and sprinked it with salt, pepper and Garlic Garlic.

Place squash face down in a baking dish. Bake at 400 degrees F for 35-40 minutes.

For the filling, heat oil in a large pan and sauté onion, jalapeño and red pepper for 2 minutes.

Add beans, corn, cumin and chili powder; sauté 1 minute longer.

When the squash is finished roasting, scoop the flesh from the shell.

Add cooked squash, cilantro, lime juice and salt to pan; cook 1 minute until heated through. Fill squash halves with filling, mounding mixture in the center. I topped mine with a dollop of greek yogurt.

I fell in love with this dish. It has just the right amount of spice and flavor for me. I really enjoyed the taste of the spaghetti squash as well. This winter vegetable will definitely appear in more of my meals from now on.

Do you like spaghetti squash? What is your favorite way to prepare it?


  1. That looks amazing ! I've never had spaghetti squash, but next time I see one, I'm referring back to this recipe :)

  2. Loooks gorgeously delicious!!! I usually just prepare mine in the microwave so I can cut it in half after it's already soft and not difficult when it's hard! I like it was sauce and meatballs.. or as a tuna noodle casserole creation type meal!

    1. What is your tuna noodle casserole recipe? Sounds good.

    2. Thank you so much it's wonderful.

  3. We just got a spaghetti squash from Field 51 so now I know what I can do with it. This makes MY meal planning easy! Thank you!!

  4. Did someone say spicy? You have my attention. :D

    I love the color and the presentation. Awesome work!

    Matt Kay

  5. This looks amazing! I have been trying new ways to cook my spaghetti squash lately and this looks like it is right in my wheelhouse. I love black bean and corn salsa so the addition of those two ingredients makes it even more appealing to me. I am going to look over your other posts and then I would like to add your blog to the list of the bloogs I am following on mine. Thanks for the Post -
    Eric (The FoodSciGuy).

  6. I added rotel tomatoes with chili, and a small can of diced tomatoes. We like things real spicy so I added more chili and cumin spices. Delicious.

  7. This recipe is amazing! We topped ours with diced avocado. Delicious!

  8. Just tried this recipe tonight and the whole family loved it (including my 5 year old)! Excited to find your blog! :)
