
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bring on Fall!!

Okay, so we are now well into September. What was the weather like in Louisville today?

94 degrees.

Since it hasn't really cooled off at all,  I am going to post some fall pictures from last year for a little inspiration.

The good news is, I have heard rumors we are starting to get some Libby's Pumpkin in this I just need to go out and find some!

I mentioned some of my favorite things about fall here...I just love the changing colors, the crunch of leaves beneath my feet,  the cool, crisp weather that only requires a light sweater, Halloween decorations, hayrides, bonfires, hot coffee, sitting by the fireplace and the smell of the wood burning, all things pumpkin...and apple...and the cinnamon-y spicy flavors of apple crisp, pumpkin pie and spiced cider. I love homemade soups, chili, warm oatmeal and the other cool weather comfort foods. I also really want to set aside time to carve pumpkins for Halloween this year...and toast up the pumpkin seeds!

For some reason, fall gives me the feeling of a fresh beginning...perhaps because of all those years that fall marked the beginning of a new school year? At any rate, it is a good time for me to re-commit to my health goals and make some changes for the better!

What are you looking forward to during the fall season?


  1. It's way too hot - I ordered my first pumpkin spice latte today and had to order it iced! How sad is that?

    Sarah tipped me off on where to find some pumpkin too - luckily, my husband found some while he was out today and brought home two big cans! When I see some I will definitely be stocking up.

    Fall is my favorite season so there is so much to look forward to: sweatshirts, attending a couple of football games, apple cider,changing leaves, pumpkin picking at Huber's, eating more soup, hiking at Jefferson Memorial and when we go on a mini vacation to NC, pumpkin beer, oatmeal, and well, any food that involves pumpkin!

    This is the longest comment ever - I'm just really excited about fall (if it ever gets here!) What are you excited about?

  2. I edited my post to add some of the fall things I am excited about...I guess that makes sense if I am going to ask the question! Haha...

    I love going to Huber's, too :)

  3. Yes, go get the pumpkin! It will at least sort of make it seem like Fall while we sweat our butts off, haha. :)

  4. I also love all the fall flavors and snuggling under my blanket while watching TV in front of the fireplace (even if it is an electric one--I love it!). My coffee tastes better, too, in the cool weather!
