
About Me

Hi, and welcome to my blog!

My name is Carolyn and I am a 29 year old registered dietitian living in Louisville, KY. I love good food, good wine and creating my own masterpieces in the kitchen. I don't like cleaning up the dishes!

Perfectly Imperfect is a healthy living blog dedicated to documenting my journey to health, fitness and self acceptance while also sharing my nutrition knowledge and some good eats along the way. My hope is that blogging will keep me accountable and motivated while providing a little inspiration to others along the way.

Nutrition Background

I graduated from the University of Kentucky in 2003 with a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics. Then, I was accepted into a dietetic internship at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Below is my internship class.  It was an extremely challenging, but rewarding year! I had a wonderful group of women to go through the experience with.


I graduated from my internship in August of 2005, took and passed the RD exam, and continued living in Nashville for the next 4 years.

My Life Now

I absolutely loved Nashville, but I started to miss being close to my family. In January of 2008 I moved home to Louisville, KY. I recently purchased a condo and have been busy painting and decorating my first home. I also decided to go back to school for my asters degree in business administration (MBA) at the University of Louisville in August of 2009. It is a part-time professional program so I am also working full time as a registered dietitan.

I live with my 2 cats, Samson and Lila. I got Samson as a kitten my junior year of college and he is now 8 years old. I got Lila about 7 months ago to keep Samson company since I am away all day at work and school. They have opposite personalities and add much joy to my life.

Samson wants to shake your hand...

And kisses from Lila!

They are both quirky, but I love them. They provide endless entertainment, too!

How I Got Here

(I will be starting a series of posts documenting my experiences with food, weight and body image up to this point.)

My story is a long and complicated one. It is difficult to find the words to explain what brought me to where I am today, but over the coming weeks and months I am going to attempt to share. Many of my close family and friends don't know the details of my struggles with weight, food and self image. For 10 years, I suffered from an eating disorder in silence. About 5 years ago I broke that silence and began to get help. Eating disorders are associated with a lot of shame, but shame only thrives in the darkness of secrecy. I want to share my story; for me and for anyone who has ever struggled with an eating disorder. I have made a lot of progress towards recovery. My final goal is to find peace with food once and for all, to move my body, be active and lead a happy, healthy life!